Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vyktoria Pratt Keating – Paranormal Musician February 28th 7 PM EST

Vyktoria Pratt Keating’s music has been described as “Some of the most freehanded, lithe and resilient music around” by The Washington Post. Having completed a 42-show opening tour for Jethro Tull, she is currently promoting her 4th CD, Things That Fall From The Sky, produced by Tull keyboardist Andrew Giddings.
Her exhilarating vocals and exquisite guitar artistry
provide the sonic backdrop to her intelligent, poetic, and surreal lyrics, creating a new blend of paranormal pop, sci-fi folk, and dream rock. She is the recipient of 3 Wammie Awards (Washington DC Music Awards) and has performed in 46 states and the UK, including such venues as England’s Apollo Theater, Concord Pavilion, Greek Theater, and the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow, Scotland.
Her interests in the paranormal, metaphysics, and forteana have led her to seek out alternative performing situations over the years. She has performed at many UFO conferences and metaphysical expos, including the 2004 & 2008 X-Conference in DC, The UFO Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, the 60th anniversary Roswell UFO Festival, Whole Life Expos, the NAME Trade show, and many other workshops and retreats.
A sensitive and compassionate musical alchemist, Vyktoria is driven to explore the deepest secrets within the universe, society, and herself. Her music is rich in ambient overtones, odd time signatures and syncopation, with themes ranging from UFOs, Ghosts, Entrainment, EVP, Myth, Face on Mars, Mutating Frogs, Dreams, Black Helicopters, Holographic Universe, Astrology. Alchemy, Exopolitics, and more, all rich in Paranormal & Fortean imagery. Influenced by progressive rock (Yes, Genesis, Jethro Tull, Kate Bush), by Celtic folk/rock (Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span, Nick Drake), and by literate pop (XTC, Peter Gabriel, the Beatles), Vyktoria creates music that is progressive and timeless, while incorporating an instinctive resonance that appeals to the hearts, souls, and minds of her diverse audience.
Learn more about Vyktoria —–> HERE
OR you can listen to her Live —> HERE

Sunday, February 20, 2011

KMO from C-Realm - February 21st 7 PM EST

One of the most interesting podcasts I have subscribed to is C-Realm podcast. Hosted by KMO. Apparently KMO is his alias he used as he was a cartoonist. This man has not only the intelligence, but the degree AND experiences required to have everything. KMO did have everything and has turned his life direction into more meaningful relationships and meetings across the nation we try and call home. Many of us only on occasion think about and dismiss things in life that he has made into… reasons to talk and seek out answers to. He has met some amazing peoples who share their views with him as he travels from city to city recording these meetings to share with all of his listeners. And he has tons of faithful subscribers and caring souls that follow him. Find out all about him Monday.
KMO was once a winner in the capitalist game. He had high tech
dreams and plenty of ambition, but somewhere along the line KMO
dropped out, spent what he had, and started over in a simpler way. No
longer rich and no longer so enamored with the technocratic fantasies
of the prevailing order, he squeaks by in this world while seeking
another. More than anything KMO is a broadcaster and interviewer who
has a gentle and amiable way of challenging and inspiring interesting
conversations with authors, artists, psychedelic gurus, sociologists,
NASA scientists, economists, and more on his weekly podcast called the
This should be a very informative show. Bring your questions he will be ready to answer.
Check out his website —-> HERE
Tune in LIVE at 7 PM EST Monday February 21st  — > HER

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mike Bara - Best selling Author " The Choice " - February 14TH 7 pm est

Mike Bara is a New York Times Bestselling author, screenwriter and lecturer. A self-described “Born Again conspiracy theorist,” Mike’s first book Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA (co-authored with the venerable Richard C. Hoagland) was a New York Times bestseller in 2007 for Feral House books. His essay “The Occult History of NASA” appears in Secret and Suppressed II, also from Feral House. Mike has made numerous public appearances lecturing on the subjects of space science, NASA, physics and the link between science and spirit, and has been a featured guest on radio programs like Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. He began his writing career after spending more than 25 years as a “Card carrying member of the Military-Industrial complex” where he worked for a wide variety of aerospace companies as an engineering consultant and designer. In 2010, Mike returns with “The Choice” a new book for New Page Books which he describes as “The unified field theory of physics and metaphysics.” He promises that “The Choice” will peel back the layers of mystery around the Mayan calendar, 2012 and the future we can expect if we don’t heed nature’s warning signs. His first novel “Lightbringer” is currently being shopped to publishers by Trident Media Group, the most successful literary agency in the world. In addition, a documentary film based on The Choice is currently in production by Asgaard Media. His first film script, Tech Support, is in pre-production at Reel Magic Productions, and a spec script based on Lightbringer is currently being adapted for the big screen.
Literary Representation – Scott Miller, Trident Media Group –
Personal – Mike was born and raised in Seattle Washington, attended Seattle Pacific University before embarking on his engineering career, and has lived in Seattle, Toronto Canada, Chicago and Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has an identical twin brother David, an older sister and one cat, Aurora. He currently resides in Redondo Beach, California.
Learn More about Mike —-> HERE
You can join me live as I talk with Mike  — > HERE
On Monday Feb. 14th at 7 PM EST

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Beyond Ghosts PARAhistorians- February 7th- 7 PM EST

Beyond Ghosts is a group of experienced paranormalists who first came together a few years ago to investigate claims of paranormal phenomena throughout the US. What fuels our passion for the truth is the fact that nobody can disprove or prove the existence of cryptids,ghosts or UFO’s 100%! Therefore, the adventures and explorations into all things unknown continues. Although professional and thorough, Beyond Ghosts conducts their research without prejudice, and often takes a refreshing “laid back” approach with no preconceived notions or tricks. Since there are NO experts in this field, and applying scientific principles to paranormal subjects is largely hit and miss, the Beyond Ghosts gang chooses to keep it educational, fun, interesting, and truthful…and we will never try to change your beliefs or convert you. If and when you need us, Beyond Ghosts is here to help you truly understand.
The TeamBeyond Ghosts Interactive Paranormal provides a number of services geared at educating as well as entertaining others in all areas of paranormal phenomena. We provide a one of a kind dinner and lecture series which often includes a public ghost hunt of an exclusive or first time location uniquely secured by our team. Beyond Ghosts organizes events and public ghost hunts at places of historical significance in order to help raise much needed funds for preservation and/or restoration efforts. Because of our track record of giving back to our community, Beyond Ghosts has been given the title of “Para-historians.” We regularly teach others about the history of locations and regions by using the paranormal as a popular theme, and by showcasing the “Ghosts of our Past!”
All events and programs offered by Beyond Ghosts benefit the host location. For more information about our programs and services, please check out our “Events” page and feel free to call or E-mail us to learn more today.
Learn more about them - HERE
Join us LIVE at 7 PM EST — HERE