Join me this week as I get a chance to talk with someone from the Leanard Peltier Deffense Offense team. If you have read ” In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse “ or watched ” Incident At Oglala “ , then you are going to want to tune in to this show.
Delaney Bruce is affiliated with the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee in Fargo, North Dakota, where she helps coordinate the public education activities associated with the campaign to free Peltier. A paralegal, she has assisted the Peltier legal defense team for most of the past decade. Delaney also is a founding member of the group Friends of Peltier (, established in 2007. For more information on the Peltier case and upcoming events, visit Also sign onto the mailing list and monitor the blog. You also can follow the Committee on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter.
Quite often, Leonard Peltier is called the Nelson Mandela of the North American Indians. An indigenous activist who stood up for the rights of his people and was silenced by the government.
Leonard Peltier is an Anishinabe/Lakota who was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences, and who today is incarcerated at USP Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, although there is NO PROOF AT ALL that he is guilty of any crime or offense whatsoever. Quite on the contrary!
So make sure you are there so you can ask your own questions or just join in on the fun for an hour! That is not long at all! ONE HOUR!….
Email me at
or tweet me @Gutwrench with questions or comments about the show and my guests!
See ya there…..
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