Saturday, May 07, 2011

Cheryl Baer-Bernath- Graduate of the Cayce-Reilly® School/Certified Hypnotherapist-May 9th-7PM EST

Cheryl Baer-Bernath
Atlantic University’s Events Facilitator is also A.R.E. Headquarters’ Conferences  Facilitator and  a graduate of the Cayce-Reilly® School of Massotherapy. She is a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in Integrated Imagery and has studied with pioneers in the Past Life Regression field such as Delores Cannon, Roger Woolger, and John Amoroso. In a “previous life within this life”, she traveled extensively as a singer/pianist originally out of Buffalo, N.Y.,  before relocating to Virginia Beach to study and work at the A.R.E. in 1991.
She is currently busy compiling a CD of original music and due to her previous work as a Play Therapist she loves to report that she has been fortunate enough to spend most of her adult life getting paid to “play!” An avid chronicler of her own dreams for over 30 years, Cheryl also has lectured on the Cayce method of dream interpretation at A.R.E. headquarters, at Cayce’s hometown of Hopkinsville, KY, and in the Washington, DC area. Her other passion is for the topic of Reincarnation and her work with children led to an article titled: “Out of the Mouths of Babes: Children Who Remember Past Lives” in the March/April 2009 issue of A.R.E.’s Venture Inward magazine. She was recently featured on A.R.E.’s Reflections Radio program discussing children who remember their past lives and offering tips for parents on ways to support and encourage these children to share their memories. Her positive, uplifting spirit and desire to empower others to learn ways to uncover their own inner guidance led her to A.R.E. camp with her partner, David Riblet, in 2009 when they were the resource people for the adult session entitled “Joyfully Following Spirit”. Most recently, she and David presented “The Sphinx of the Soul: Past Lives, Soul Families and Your Life’s Plan” in Charlottesville, VA.
Learn more about Cheryl —-> HERE 
Tune in live Monday May 9th at 7 PM EST — > HERE

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